March 23, 2006

“I wrote this today. It probably sucks.”

We can all admit that there’s just something exciting and memorable about The First Time.

Here is an mp3 of the first performance of “Come Pick Me Up” by Ryan Adams on Valentine’s Day 2000 (how appropriate) in Seattle. Thanks to Jon for posting it.

This initial unveiling is acoustic & emotional, pre-harmonica, and with different lyrics throughout.

Missing are the lyrics:
When you’re walking downtown
Do you wish I was there?
Do you wish it was me?

With the windows clear
And the mannequins’ eyes
Do they all look like mine?

Glad he added those later because they are crystalline and scathing in their imagery, a few of my favorites (in a long line).

Come Pick Me Up (acoustic/first performance) – Ryan Adams

And another BONUS for you dear reader, since we are on topic: A tune called “The Battle” written by Ryan Adams and Whiskeytown co-conspirator Caitlin Cary for her album While You Weren’t Looking (2002).

This was featured on a limited-issue bonus disc. Man, they harmonize in a such a sublime way together, don’t they? Thanks to Tongue-Tied Lightning for the track.

The Battle – Caitlin Cary and Ryan Adams


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  • 11 out of 10 for posting a ryan adams track in these difficult times!! i hadn’t heard either of them and will listen with buying in mind.will visit again..keep up the good work !!

    countrygrrl — March 23, 2006 @ 9:43 am

  • countrygrrl,
    thanks for digging the ryan adams tracks! the way i figure, one is live, and as far as i know Ryan is OK with live recordings (see the Live Music Archive), and the other one is no longer commercially available, being released on a limited-edition disc. so, you know, my thoughts are basically “please don’t hurt me.” ;)

    heather — March 23, 2006 @ 10:12 am

  • Yo, thanks for “The Battle” . . . .

    Jennings — March 23, 2006 @ 7:23 pm

  • i know i had it on my blog. but it may have been somewhere else.

    Dance Hall Hips — March 24, 2006 @ 2:30 am

  • Heather

    Caitlin is coming to my hometown in a couple of weeks to play a tiny venue(with the guy she tours with – forget his name) I really hopes she plays The Battle!!

    Chris (from Tottington UK)

    Anonymous — March 26, 2006 @ 11:15 pm

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Bio Pic Name: Heather Browne
Location: Colorado, originally by way of California
Giving context to the torrent since 2005.

"I love the relationship that anyone has with music: because there's something in us that is beyond the reach of words, something that eludes and defies our best attempts to spit it out. It's the best part of us, probably, the richest and strangest part..."
—Nick Hornby, Songbook
"Music has always been a matter of energy to me, a question of Fuel. Sentimental people call it Inspiration, but what they really mean is Fuel."
—Hunter S. Thompson

Mp3s are for sampling purposes, kinda like when they give you the cheese cube at Costco, knowing that you'll often go home with having bought the whole 7 lb. spiced Brie log. They are left up for a limited time. If you LIKE the music, go and support these artists, buy their schwag, go to their concerts, purchase their CDs/records and tell all your friends. Rock on.

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