Godspeed with the facial hair
We have a winner to the “Title Your Book” contest to win the Stranger Than Fiction soundtrack prize pack extravaganza (okay, it’s just a CD and a mug but that could be extravagant to the cupless).
103 comments later, the winner was surprisingly easy for me to pick:
Upto12 said his book would be called…
Facial Failure: My Everyday Struggle to Grow a Mustache (and Sideburns) that Looks Neither Pervy nor Predatory
His profile picture even testifies to the same, and I laughed out loud. I would totally pick that up off the shelf in Borders. Congrats and thanks for all the dozens of grand entries.
Celebratory music:
Mr. Moustache – Nirvana
upto12 — December 6, 2006 @ 11:33 am
Quit gloating.
Dainon — December 6, 2006 @ 11:54 am
Heather, that was what I thought you’d pick! I thought it was the funniest one, too. : )
Kristy — December 6, 2006 @ 9:45 pm