February 2, 2007

Vedder to appear solo at Hawaii’s Kokua Festival with Jack Johnson and Matt Costa

Just announced: Eddie Vedder is confirmed to play solo as part of this year’s Kokua Festival at the Waikiki Shell in Honolulu.

Joining organizer Jack Johnson, Matt Costa, and local Island favorites Ernie Cruz Jr. and The Girlas, the Fourth Annual Kokua Festival will be on Earth Day weekend — April 21 & 22.

Eddie is playing with the amazing Booooom Gaspar (a native Hawaiian and mostly full-time PJ band member lately) on keys. All proceeds go to the Kokua Hawaii Foundation, a non-profit organization founded by Jack and Kim Johnson to support environmental education programs in Hawaii.

Tickets will be available exclusively to Kokua Hawaii Foundation members starting February 6 (become a member to buy). Tickets to the general public will be available via Jack Johnson’s web site on February 10, via their Myspace on February 15, or via Ticket(bastard) starting Feb 17.

Oh, Hawaii, why do you taunt me so?!

Here’s a sample of the goodness we might be able to expect from Vedder; all of these live songs are just wonderful, some of my favorites.

Ed Vedder (solo), 2/26/2002
Wiltern Theatre, Los Angeles
You’re True (first performance, beautiful ukulele ditty)
Can’t Keep
Broken Hearted (unreleased)
Thumbing My Way

Ed Vedder (solo), 3/15/2002
Royce Hall, UCLA
Goodbye (first performance, also on ukulele)



    Eric — February 2, 2007 @ 8:24 pm

  • yeah, something tells me you need to get to hawaii eventually …

    c — February 3, 2007 @ 8:08 am

  • I hate you. Before you become upset, please know that my reasoning is ironclad. Before your post, I was convinced I was the only person I knew that owned the very first version of “You’re True”, (possibly my favorite PJ song, like, ever) from the Wiltern in 2002, I even made a CD with serveral other crazy awesome solo Ed pieces including This Is Goodbye, Trouble, Dead Man and Driftin’. Damn you to steal my thunder! I used to think it was awesome we were on the same page, but now I’m just kinda pissed!

    clint — February 3, 2007 @ 5:08 pm

  • what the hell, as it appears that you are the female version of me, I’ll give it a shot. Do you have a version of Ed’s version of Harvest Moon?

    ps- M. Ward is pretty good…

    clint — February 3, 2007 @ 5:11 pm

  • There’s a version of Ed singing Harvest Moon w/great backup vocals by Sleater Kenny on an Italian PJ bootleg website. It’s a 2006 tour rarity

    Anonymous — February 3, 2007 @ 11:03 pm

  • Thanks Heather. One thing though – ‘Can’t Keep’ seems to point to ‘Broken Hearted’.

    Anonymous — February 5, 2007 @ 6:22 am

  • Anon, fixed! Thanks for pointing that out. Also, clint, yes of course – here’s my favorite one that I was incidentally JUST listening to a few days ago (on repeat) after it came up on my shuffle:

    Harvest Moon – PJ with Sleater-Kinney

    heather — February 5, 2007 @ 6:39 am

  • I was so bummed when I heard about this. I just got back from Honolulu a couple weeks ago. If I had known I might have put that trip off a little longer!

    Dee — February 5, 2007 @ 11:55 am

  • Heather, so is that proof we are twins seperated at birth?

    clint — February 9, 2007 @ 4:40 pm

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Bio Pic Name: Heather Browne
Location: Colorado, originally by way of California
Giving context to the torrent since 2005.

"I love the relationship that anyone has with music: because there's something in us that is beyond the reach of words, something that eludes and defies our best attempts to spit it out. It's the best part of us, probably, the richest and strangest part..."
—Nick Hornby, Songbook
"Music has always been a matter of energy to me, a question of Fuel. Sentimental people call it Inspiration, but what they really mean is Fuel."
—Hunter S. Thompson

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