Um . . . new from Blind Melon?
Yesterday Stereogum highlighted the fact that Blind Melon‘s MySpace page has some new tracks on it. This is odd, to me, considering that lead singer Shannon Hoon died back when I was in high school.
After disbanding for a time, they’ve now replaced Hoon with a new singer, one Travis Warren. Am I being too narrow minded, or myopically lead-singer focused, in doing a bit of a double-take? When the frontman –the distinctive voice of your band– dies, it seems weird to replace them and go on as the same band. First Alice in Chains, now Blind Melon? Take a listen to the new song:
Wishing Well – “Blind Melon”
I really cherish some of the older stuff from Blind Melon. I can do without the No Rain because I have heard it so many times (even though it’s still catchy with those snaps), but these tracks are absolute essential favorites. If you’ve never heard Blind Melon beyond the radio hit, you should probably seriously really take a listen to these, I promise:
Tones of Home – Blind Melon
(a fantastic, flirty, bluesy opening and sublime harmonies)
Paper Scratcher – Blind Melon
Soup – Blind Melon
(this one takes a blessed long time to build, but I love that meandering, like a stream, and then the break like a waterfall)
Out On The Tiles (Led Zeppelin) – Blind Melon
Three Is A Magic Number (Bob Dorough) – Blind MelonAnd on a loosely related note (I’m telling you it really does all come back to PJ), here are Jeff Ament and Eddie Vedder in Denver last summer performing “Bee Girl,” the salute and warning to the dancing bee girl in the Blind Melon music video and on their 1992 album cover:
doobie brothers did it, too, kinda
Katie — September 8, 2007 @ 1:38 pm
since it all comes back to pj, i must ask what your 10 club # is because your seats were almost on eddie’s lap!!!! did you go to both shows?
Anonymous — September 8, 2007 @ 1:47 pm
“doobie brothers did it, too, kinda”
AC/DC did too.
Kathy — September 8, 2007 @ 2:35 pm
I guess they just couldn’t turn a blind eye. You know how sometimes you can keep your customers with a good name… If you liked Blind Melon, then you’ll love Deaf Tomato. Maybe it’s just too risky.
Gina — September 8, 2007 @ 5:25 pm
This one is a bit strange. It’s not like Blind Melon was all that popular to begin with. They achieved “one hit wonder” status, but that’s about it.
Ah, Pearl Jam. I’m not that fond of the Bee Girl song, but I do love me some Pearl Jam. Looking forward to a review from you of the new Eddie Vedder solo effort.
THE DUCK — September 8, 2007 @ 6:04 pm
Please don’t forget BM’s cover of Zep’s Out on the Tiles. They tore the ass out of that one. Come to think of it, Rollins Band killed Four Sticks as well. Good source material I guess.
Ben — September 8, 2007 @ 7:16 pm
I am down with your love for both Blind Melon and PJ, but how could you leave “Mouthful Of Cavities” off the essential list. It is probably my favorite BM song, in fact the whole Soup album is pretty kick ass and underrated….
Anonymous — September 8, 2007 @ 11:55 pm
I say…there is a market for everything. Players want to play….if they can get a recording contract from past history…more power to them. Hey…they are not the one’s who OD’d…
Good bless them…I hope they sell a zillion records.
SINEDDIE — September 9, 2007 @ 6:44 am
I’m knd of torn, because, well as was pointed out, some bands are able to move on with a new singer, like AC/DC, but in some bands, the singer is kind of the…well, the glue that holds it all together, and stops the band from being one of the bands that gets lost in the shuffle. Shannon Hoon was one of those voices, and I think, without him, Blind Melon wouldn’t have done much more than the average stoner groove band (though they are all good musicians.)As a fan of the band, I feel kinda sad, and bad for the guys who lost their bandmate and friend, as well as the new guy who has to try to fill those shoes.
And for me, it doesn’t get much better than their version of “Three Is A Magic Number.”
Jay — September 9, 2007 @ 11:26 am
Kristen –
60XXX, and I could only afford the first night at those top dollar ($100!) prices.
Jay – I meant to post Three Is A Magic Number and forgot! So thanks for the reminder, I’ll add that. Also Ben, the Zep cover too, for sure. Thanks!
heather — September 9, 2007 @ 4:06 pm
“Tones of Home” and “Sleepyhouse” have always been favorites — thanks for the reminder!
Chris — September 9, 2007 @ 11:58 pm
Blind Melon was one of the best bands ever. “No Rain” oddly made them a ton of money, but always made them look like they weren’t credible because it was so gimmicky. Eddie’s warning could be extended to the band.
It’s hard for me to listen to them too often because it always makes me think of what a colossal waste Shannon’s death was. This reunion is all well and good, but I’m not going to the show or buying the record. I don’t begrudge those guys the chance to make a buck, they’re good musicians and their time got cut short. But I saw the real deal back in the day.
Station Agent — September 11, 2007 @ 9:18 am
hey blogger and guests:
sineddie has the right idea. these guys have the right to play together without taking too much heat. using the name “blind melon”? if they went with something else, people writing in blogs would still have to refer to the name anyway. why not get noticed by the name? it’s been 12 years, so it’s not exactly stompin hoons grave. check out what the band has been saying about it and i think many of you would also get the impression that it was done without malice.
i’m always surprised when stumbling upon a blind melon discussion/thread. people often cite their “one hit” as a justification to hate on them. so a bunch of guys in their early 20′s a lucky enough to get one of their songs picked up on mtv and the radio, then it get overexposed on the radio. shocker! most of their other songs are enjoyed by their small but loyal fanbase. where’s the harm?
i, for one, look forward to new music from blind melon.
potatosoup — September 12, 2007 @ 7:44 pm
I’m not even going to listen to the tracks…
not for now, at least
Culture Bully — September 12, 2007 @ 8:38 pm
Let sleeping dogs lie.
Boo on this one.
Pete K — September 13, 2007 @ 8:33 am
Blind Melon is my favorite band and Shannon Hoon was my favorite singer of all-time so I was skeptical when I heard that they had re-formed. I met Travis Warren at the Chicago Double-Door show and he was a great guy. He’s a pretty good singer too… I agree that Mouthful of Cavities is one of the best. Here is a YouTube link of Travis singing it…
Moutful of Cavities
Here’s the link in case the html didn’t work:
Dan Buell — November 21, 2007 @ 3:11 am
I think everyone should be open minded about the new singer, Travis Warren. I am a huge Shannon Hoon and Blind Melon fan. Personally, I think Travis is a perfect fit for the band. Give them a listen, check them out live and form your opinion. Don’t get stuck in the “Well it’s not Shannon Hoon” mentality. You won’t be sorry!
rutterbtr — February 10, 2008 @ 10:32 am