The runaway smash hit of election season
It’s hard for me to pinpoint exactly how I found myself dancing in a music video about bacon and Obama — but I know when one gets an invitation to wear bacon-hued clothes and come prepared to dance on a Sunday afternoon, you best listen. Plus, I guess I’ve always wanted to be a girl in a hip-hop video, really ever since my days of watching In Living Color. So it’s kind of a no-brainer.
After the taping a few weekends ago, I was singing this song for days (“heat up the griddle cuz that bacon got sizzle!”). Oh, watch at your own risk.
Bacon in ’08, preferably crispy.
[and arguably even better: go behind the scenes here]
For some reason it reminded me of this…
So have you patented the Ba-kini yet?
Paul — October 27, 2008 @ 5:43 am