Monday SXSW Music Roundup
So the countdown has begun in earnest to my first SXSW. I know, right? How did it take me this long to go? In past years I’ve focused on festivals in other regions (UMS Denver, Noise Pop SF, Coachella, etc) and wound up without the money or wherewithal to trek to Texas.
This year, we change that.
Two weeks from Wednesday, I hop a plane to Austin. I couldn’t be more excited, or more overwhelmed. There will be a showcase that Fuel/Friends is helping to present (details forthcoming) and lots of great parties and showcases that I am anticipating. In addition, I’ll be helping out with an actual panel (!!), so come see me if you are attending the conference portion.
I downloaded two torrents full o’ music from SXSW Showcasing Artists and have been slowly working my way through them all weekend. Here are five from the bazillion that first caught my ear as artists that I will want to keep my wits about me for to try and make their shows. Even if you’re not going to Austin, have a listen to five I love:
Vijay Kishore
The stream of music can be numbing after the first hundred, but this song just absolutely stopped me in my tracks, dead, heartworn. Web information tells me that Vijay Kishore is from Birmingham, England, but all I know is that the gorgeous falsetto and high lonesome drone of his voice sounds uncannily like an incarnation of Thom Yorke or Jeff Buckley, from an Indian gentleman with a shaved head. I have nothing else to say, except that I have chills. He’s playing a ton at SXSW, including an official showcase Thursday night at Creekside.
Wave and Water
Gordon Gano and the Ryan Brothers
Lead Violent Femme takes to the airwaves again with this song that could probably be on all your summer mixtapes. Over a barely-contained funky guitar line and shiny brass melodies that echo Cake, Gordon Gano brings that same dry delivery to his latest (catchy) creation. I didn’t know he was at it again, didn’t know he’d be at SXSW (late Thursday at the Parish Downstairs).
Baby Come On
Elemeno P
This song makes me feel dizzily and joyously confused. I first heard it tonight when I was putting dishes away and lordy I think I nearly dropped a glass or two from the force of my spontaneous dancing. There’s yelling like those snappy street gangs in Broadway musicals, a huge marching drum beat, and melody for pogoing to. Elemeno P is from New Zealand and theirs will undoubtedly be a fabulously fun show (not sure when they’re playing yet).
Eager To Sail
Wine And Revolution
My experience with wine is often that it leads me into thick sleepiness, and distinctly not revolution, but this Austin band would like to encourage me otherwise. From listening to this selection, it seems as if they wish me to travel with them through a long line of good sounding influences, from the Kinks to Voxtrot, and have a lot of fun while I’m at it — to which I say, “okay.” Wine and Revolution is playing a handful of shows Wednesday and Friday.
I’ve read a lot about Malawian artist Esau Mwamwaya and the Radioclit DJ duo on Gorilla vs Bear over the last year or so, and always smile at the joyous African-inflected dance creations that they often release free into the world. This cut builds Southeast-African rhythms & words over music from Architecture in Helsinki. Radioclit preserves an earthy connection with their music while featuring folks like M.I.A. and Santogold on some fabulously sweaty-fun remixes. It’s where I’ll be midnight Thursday, in the Beauty Bar Backyard.
So…who’s on the early flight out of Denver Wednesday morning on Southwest?
[...] browneheather placed an observative post today on Monday bMusic/b Roundup, SXSW countdown | I AM FUEL, YOU ARE FRIENDSHere’s a quick excerptI downloaded two torrents full o’ bmusic/b from SXSW Showcasing bArtists/b and have been slowly working my way through them all weekend. Here are five from the bazillion that first caught my ear as bartists/b that I will want to keep my wits b…/b [...]
Topics about Music » Monday bMusic/b Roundup, SXSW countdown | I AM FUEL, YOU ARE FRIENDS — March 2, 2009 @ 4:36 am
NAVEL from Switzerland will perform at SXSW. If you’re going to that festival, please watch them.
They’re great.
Look at:
Dadamio — March 2, 2009 @ 5:25 am
Hey Heather, This will be my first SXSW too, though I’ve been wanting to go for years. I’ll be there writing for my music blog at
Looking forward to more info about the Fuel/Friends showcase. Love your blog by the way!
Mike — March 2, 2009 @ 6:45 am
[...] Monday SXSW Music Roundup | I AM FUEL, YOU ARE FRIENDS [...]
Daily Links for 03/02/09 | — March 2, 2009 @ 8:34 am
Hey Heather – not sure what time your flight gets into Austin but The Damnwells are playing a day party on Wednesday afternoon, I believe at 5:30pm. It’s at Threadgill’s South which is about 8 blocks south of 6th St. (where all the action happens).
chip — March 2, 2009 @ 10:19 am
You have to check out the following bands while you are there: The Uglysuit, Bosque Brown and Sarah Jaffe. I think you would love them.
Lance — March 2, 2009 @ 11:38 am
Actually, your schedule looks like this:
Wednesday night at The Radio Room : MOKB Official Showcase
Thursday Day at Peckerheads : MOKB/AD present…VAYACONTACOS!
Friday & Saturday Day at Mohawk & Club DeVille : HOTFREAKS!
xoxox, D
Dodge — March 2, 2009 @ 3:14 pm
I’ll be seein’ ya there!
Kyle Meredith — March 2, 2009 @ 3:31 pm
Dear Dodge,
browneheather — March 2, 2009 @ 4:21 pm
1st for me too. Are you planning to cover it? How? Are you set up at I can’t wait for this,it’s going to be a blast.
Rob — March 2, 2009 @ 4:43 pm
Have fun. Be sure to check out Eilen Jewel. I’ve seen her a couple times and she’s great.
Ryan — March 2, 2009 @ 8:31 pm
I wrote about Vijay Kishore as well in one of my SXSW entries. The Thom Yorke comparison is certainly apt, though I do admit after having heard this song several times I’ve grown rather tired of it. I don’t know. Is it just me?
Lee — March 2, 2009 @ 11:01 pm
Hope you get to see the Mother Truckers and ditto Rob, Eilen Jewel is not to be missed.
Steve — March 3, 2009 @ 2:21 pm
Re Vijay Kishore-Lee i think its just you mate but i tell you what I wholeheartedly suggest that you go to his showcase at Creekside on the 19th .If he dissapoints then i’ll take it all back
Jacob — March 3, 2009 @ 3:30 pm
If you get a chance to, check out irish band One Day International and Lisa Hannigan!!
Indielimerick — March 5, 2009 @ 9:28 am
Hey, Heather. Thanks for the Vijay Kishore track – it’s excellent. Is that song going to be on his new album? It’s not on the EP he has for sale on his website and I’d love to be able to buy it.
J — March 5, 2009 @ 10:42 pm
Hey J
And all those that have left such positive comments regarding Vijay Kishore.NeverEnds will be on Vijay’s debut album -and more than likely will also be a single.Now I have found this site will keep you guys informed.Shows in Austin at the moment look like this
18th CLUB PRIMOS -1700 E 6th ST onstage 8pm
19th Creekside @ The Hilton Garden Inn onstage 1AM
20th CLUB PRIMOS-1700 E 6th St onstage TBC.
If anyone has any ideas of bbq’s or small parties where Vijay could do a short set would be much obliged
Rob ( Vijay’s Manager)
Rob — March 8, 2009 @ 4:13 pm
[...] your wallet (and past the fact it’s all covers of Paul McCartney songs) and give generously.Gordon Gano and the Ryan Brothers – Wave and Water(from I Am Fuel, You Are Friends)Weirdly sinister funk from the Violent Femmes lead singer. Like the [...]
New music on Wednesday | wrongmog — March 7, 2011 @ 9:38 pm