From a mess, to the masses
It turns out that the new Phoenix album barely missed my top ten this year, but I know I’ve listened to it a whole heck of a lot. In fact, it’s in my car right now and it hasn’t left the player in another one of those weeks-long stints.
It’s catchy and sleek, but there’s weight and depth behind the songs, and you cannot understate the lure of that ephemeral exotic attraction — it’s the same reason American girls like going out dancing with foreign exchange students.
The formidably marvelous filmmaker Vincent Moon recently followed them about in Paris, and as always, the results on La Blogotheque are stunning.
[watch the whole set/3 videos here]
Lisztomania – Phoenix
Phoenix are from a suburb of Versailles, and their humbly-named fourth album Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
is out now on V2/Glassnote Records.
OK. I mean. I get it that Phoenix is good. I have had WAP on repeat for months now. But as soon as I turn the album off…I don’t miss it. Not discounting the delight level of Phoenix, but I think there are definitely 10 more memorable albums.
Kathleen — December 7, 2009 @ 8:39 am
foreign exchange students? how about drinks with just foreign…..guys…..when do you go on NPR?
Paul The Brit — December 7, 2009 @ 9:25 am
paul, we prefer dancing but will also accommodate drinks with foreign guys. you’re on again, anytime
i tape the session tomorrow morning at KRCC (if the snow doesn’t shut down the world) and it airs on new year’s day. i also just found out that anthony decurtis from rolling stone will be on the other half of the program this year. yay! it’ll be a fun hour!
browneheather — December 7, 2009 @ 9:29 am
Have to disagree with the album not making your Top Ten. Be interested in seeing what made the cut instead.
Andy Grabia — December 7, 2009 @ 1:09 pm
When is your list going to be posted?
Anne — December 7, 2009 @ 2:22 pm
Heather. The Phoenix cd is in my car at the moment. It works driving my 3 kids to school. The can’t get enough of Listomania. Surely the toddlers vote should count for more.
Also can’t get enough of this:
Norah Jones sings wilco.
jonnypunky — December 7, 2009 @ 3:43 pm
anne – i’m not sure. I usually wait til later in the month to post it, but i was working on it all weekend. we’ll see!
browneheather — December 7, 2009 @ 3:44 pm
I just saw them live last week and they were absolutely fantastic! I had WAP (which IMO should’ve made your top ten hands down!) and It’s Never Been Like That, and I knew a couple of their earlier singles, so I knew everything on the setlist. But they really brought it! It’s definitely my most memorable concert that I’ve been to, especially since I hugged tom mars when he jumped down off stage RIGHT in front of me and he threw me his towel!!
Jess — December 7, 2009 @ 5:37 pm
Forget Black Cab Sessions… now it’s Paris Double-Decker Tour Bus Sessions! Thoroughly enjoyed that vid.
I’m quite certain the album will make my top 10… I had it blasting from my headphones on my morning run almost every day this summer. Now I hear their songs during a car commercial every 10 minutes. Still not sick of ‘em.
Megan — December 10, 2009 @ 7:40 pm