Happy Birthday Joan Miró
Check out the cool Google logo today for Catalan surrealist artist Joan Miró, born today in 1893:
Miró was a master of the surrealist movement, along with contemporaries Dali, Magritte, and Kahlo. Of the approach, Miró said: “Rather than setting out to paint something, I begin painting, and as I paint, the picture begins to assert itself, or suggest itself under my brush. The form becomes a sign for a woman or a bird as I work . . . the first stage is free, unconscious. . .”
“Miró’s floating biomorphic shapes, hovering, vibrating, advancing, and retreating, are suggestive of musical tones made visible. The tempo is light and graceful, the mood playful and humorous.”
– from Art Through The Ages, Gardner
Colorful Revolution – The Redwalls