The one where Heather sings
The new Contrast Podcast is up with my contribution to their very cool and intricate Song Chain feature. I also, somewhat lamentably to my ears this morning, sing.
My thinking was such:
Song chain = Aretha Franklin’s Chain of Fools (a characterization my fellow contributors may eschew) = me having an urge to bust out “chain chain chaaaain . . .” while I was recording my intro. So that’s what happened. For posterity:
Contrast Podcast #63: Song Chain 3
Make sure you listen through the Rodeo Clowns tune by G. Love to hear this really funny cast-off line by contributor Tim from The Daily Growl, as he tried to pick a follow-up song: “I know nothing about G. Love and . . . I really don’t like clowns.” I always enjoy hearing the variety of contributors, their song choices and reasons — and their accents. This creative topic is especially fun, resulting in a podcast that’s stuffed with songs I dig.
Since I’ve previously posted the song that I contributed, I want to share this unreleased Weezer song that I had to connect in to.
Love it, lov-er:
Lover In The Snow – Weezer
And the intro+song following mine is pretty funny too — although if we’re gonna talk about females being deadlier than the male (don’t believe it!) then I am going to hear this tune echoing in my head:
Female of the Species – Space