March 21, 2007

Odds & ends

It’s been a long time since I compiled one of these odds and ends posts, but there were several little things today that caught my eye:

Ûž Brian Deck is on board to produce the new Counting Crows record, according to Adam:

March 16, 2007 12:53am
Berkeley, CA

Rehearsals have been going really well the past few days. I’m pretty excited about the 2nd half of this record. I really dig the producer we’ve chosen. His name’s Brian Deck. He produced “The Moon and Antarctica” for Modest Mouse, “Our Endless Numbered Days” for Iron and Wine, “The Animal Years” for Josh Ritter, and this album I love by the Fruit Bats called “Mouthfuls”. We’re getting really cool weird twisted folksy sounds.

Ûž Paul McCartney is set to release a new album this summer, the inaugural release for new Starbucks label.

I drink Starbucks. I love McCartney. But why does this just feel so dirty and somehow depressing?

Ûž Mason Jennings has a new blog post that starts with the sentence, “Did you ever just get so high that you wrote on your arm never to smoke weed again? Me neither.” It goes on to discuss music he likes and life in general lately for him, but opening sentences don’t get much more engaging than that one.

Ûž I truly love the new Hold Steady video for “Stuck Between Stations.” That is a dang fine song, and since I haven’t caught them live yet, I’ve never seen it performed, seen the way they jolt out their music.

Incidentally, I think their piano player may actually be Oliver, Kat‘s husband from Miami Ink. Rock the ‘stache, dude.

Ûž SPIN tries to deconstruct the method behind Ryan Adams‘ crazy, internet-facilitated, musical-diarrhea madness.

Ûž Pete Yorn‘s cousin/merch man/video whiz Maxx updates Pete’s MySpace friends with setlists and excellent pictures from the road. The most recent post has a haiku to match each photograph, and is a must-read. I laughed out loud at a few:

sid is funnier
when he’s not wearing his clothes
but someone else’s

simon is undead
he will eat your flesh
even from the stage

Ûž SXSW. Most of the SXSW coverage from my fellow bloggers seems like drinking out of a firehose, and I am not able to fully absorb all of it yet (although I am trying). This, however, was one show that I had read about and found video for — very cool. Pete Townshend was at the fest to speak at a panel and joined British buzz band The Fratellis for a cool little cover of The Who’s “The Seeker”:

And the best picture that I’ve seen so far from SXSW was taken by my friend Brian H., who has been regularly updating me with more pics and details than you can shake a stick at (thanks!). I don’t know the story behind this shot, but I thought it was cool how it speaks to the environment of total musical domination in Austin these past few days:

Rock ‘n roll.

January 11, 2007

Ryan Adams –> Jesse Malin –> Butch Walker –> Ben Kweller

I have a couple of odds & ends to share, and the only obvious connection that I see is a version of Six Degrees of Ryan Adams:

1. Jesse Malin (pal) kicks off 2007 with an exuberant & rocking version of Cheap Trick’s “Surrender” – cannot help but feel happy inside seeing this kind of visceral concert experience, Jesse throwing the glittery confetti at the stroke of midnight:

Direct link here if that embed isn’t working (veoh? what’s veoh?)

Oh, and speaking of glitter: prepare to be floored by Jesse Malin’s new album, Glitter In The Gutter (which Ryan Adams guests on, as well as Bruce Springsteen and Jakob Dylan, and more). It is hands down the best thing I’ve heard in a good while – comes out in late February and start planning now how you are going to buy it as soon as it is available.

2. Butch Walker covering “Come Pick Me Up” (Ryan Adams song) with some girl I don’t know at a recent Hotel Cafe show. I’ve been enjoying the party-hearty sounds of several tracks on his The Rise and Fall of Butch Walker and The Let’s-Go-Out-Tonites album, so the sensitive strummy take on this video surprised me. Also, the crowd seems titillated by the self-destructive nature of the lyrics; perhaps they’ve never heard the song before?

3. Ryan Adams and Ben Kweller are going to be appearing together January 16th (Tuesday) on Letterman with America (the band) to perform a version of the revamped “Ride On” from the new America CD.

Stream “Ride On” featuring Ryan Adams, Ben Kweller and Adam Schlesinger (Fountains of Wayne):
Windows Media * Real * Quicktime

Also stream America’s take on the My Morning Jacket song “Golden”, featuring Ben Kweller and MMJ’s Jim James & Patrick Hallahan.
Windows Media * Real * Quicktime

4. Finally, two great Ryan Adams shows that I’ve been listening to via the Live Music Archive:

The full first night at Town Hall (NYC) on December 4, 2006

An ace 2001 show from the legendary Fillmore (San Francisco) on 11/14/01

December 8, 2006

Ryan Adams at NYC’s Town Hall (plus audio!)

DJ Reggie Ryan Adams just finished a three-show run at New York’s Town Hall earlier this week. My friend Dave was at the Wednesday show (where Leona Naess opened -how was that?- and Ryan rocked the glittery platform boots and the inexplicable samurai ponytail) and he sent me the following communique that I thought I’d share with you. Ryan played a killer setlist, even if it was a bit short. I am glad to hear that he is clean and sober and performing strongly. You know, honoring his musical talent and all that.


Well, quick notes on the show last night, which was the strongest since I’ve seen Ryan at the Beacon on his birthday a few years back.

As some remember, last time I saw Ryan 1.5 years ago I walked out three songs into his second set. He was fucked up, a mess, tinkering here, tinkering there. I was 12 feet from the stage and wanted to jump up there and kill him.

So last night walked in with trepidation and sitting on the seat feel of “oh god, when is he going to snap?”

The first set
(audio for the full show is now on the Ryan Adams Archive and Dime A Dozen):

Come Pick Me Up (best show opener ever?)
When The Stars Go Blue
Oh My Sweet Carolina
Love Is Hell
This Is It
Afraid Not Scared
La Cienega Just Smiled

Wow…..7 songs, 7 I love. Hell the first 3 are songs I want to see every time I see him. Knowing he was not repeating these three nights, I had a pretty good feeling after the first 2 nights. I saw a lot left in the tank. His guitar playing is excellent again, and “Love is Hell” and “This is It” were flat out scorching.

Unfortunately, we were subjected to a break, which I hate he’s added. I mean 7 songs and we get a break? Maybe I’m scared since normally this is when Ryan would go smoke 1/2 ounce and drink 2 bottles of red.

Second set:
Wish You Were Here
Judy Garland
Blue Sky Blues
My Winding Wheel
Willow Jane
The Rescue Blues

Another strong start here. 2 more rockers to open. He said before Hallelujah that he has been sober for 7 months, and he’s been playing a lot that he hasn’t played live. Also good comments how he realizes what an asshole he must have been when he wasn’t sober based on what he hears from the crowd at times. “Assholes attract other assholes”

Unfortunately, there was no encore. He did “Rescue Blues,” left the stage, crowd called for one for a few minutes then house lights up. 2 more songs after that point would have made this one of my fav shows of the year.

However, as Marc pointed out, be careful what you wish for as we may have gotten a 25 minute Wharf Rat.

I got good feelings about a sober Ryan now based on this performance. This was the Ryan Adams I became a fan of, and I’m hopeful that next year he’ll continue rediscovering his rock/alt country roots and leaving the dead jams behind.

Other highlights:

- Town Hall is a great, intimate venue.
-First set he had the Ace Frehley boots on, second set the Gene Simmons. How he walks or let alone plays piano in these is beyond me.
-He is equally as strange sober as not. However, so much more focused.
-Crowd was excellent. Dead quiet for the right songs. Only a few idiots, and the obligatory “Freebird” yell.

VIDEO: Final song, Rescue Blues
(more video here from all three nights)

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November 29, 2006

Odds & ends

I love you, Colorado. But I’ve decided you are a wuss.

There is (a beautiful and powdery) 3 inches of snow on the ground this morning, tops. And it’s a snow day. I say everyone should get some snowshoes and 4-wheel-drive, and life should continue as normal. Thank you.

In the shutdown interim, here are a few odds & ends that are entertaining me this morning:

Ûž A reader pointed me in the direction of mp3s from the KEXP session with The Rosewood Thieves (my previous post here, definitely check them out). They performed 5 songs, including a Dylan cover. I am strongly digging their bluesy rocker sound.

Ûž My new friend Adam wrote about his new supercool fancy tracker thing for runners that goes in your shoe, wirelessly connects with your iPod, and tracks your running stats, even TALKING TO YOU while you run. I need that (it should say pugilistic things like, “Frickin wuss! DO NOT WALK UP THIS HILL!” Maybe yell obscenities at me to keep me moving). It appears to be reasonably priced at $29, but then you also need the special Nike shoes with a pocket to hold the sensor (can I do it myself with an x-acto knife?) and an iPod Nano (mine’s a 60). Drat. (wait, or not).

Ûž A couple of interesting “from the studio” news bits:

-Shirley Manson (Garbage) goes solo, Jack White and Billy Corgan are involved

-Norah Jones finishes third album, M. Ward guests

-Mike Watt plays bass on Kelly Clarkson’s new album (for real)

-!!! Sign to Warp Records (same label as my new love Jamie Lidell), new LP Myth Takes coming in 2007. If you haven’t heard their unique disco-funk sound (and I think you say their UnGooglable name Chk Chk Chk), here’s an mp3 of their song Take Ecstasy With Me from 2004′s Louden Up Now. You wanna dance around, don’t you?!

Ûž There’s a new Contrast Podcast you should listen to, this one on the fun ornithological theme of Chickens and Other Birds. I was going to contribute either Cake’s wonderful song that I can hear playing in my head just typing it: “Comfort Eagle” (but someone else submitted it, yay!) or the fantastic boogie “Ain’t Nobody Here But Us Chickens.”

But coulda woulda shoulda I’m lazy.

Ûž There’s a new documentary out called American Hardcore; maybe I want to punch someone after just watching the preview. It’s open now in selected theatres, and it features folks like Henry Rollins, Jesse Malin, Ian MacKaye, Flea, Mike Watt, Moby, and Tommy Stinson. Like a microcosm of the Punk: Attitude documentary from last year, this one focuses on the specific aspects of the American punk-rock scene within a 6 year period from 1980-1986. Looks interesting.

Ûž Here’s the perfect Christmas gift for that world-renowned air guitarist on your list. Now they just need to make the corresponding sensor pants for us air drummers and I will be one happy camper.

Ûž I am liking this new song from distinctive Liverpool band Clinic, off their upcoming 4th album Visitations (January ’07, or on iTunes now).
Listen to Harvest.

Ûž Finally, one more reason to love the (gratuitious and borderline creepy) internet: A MySpace group for those who love it when everyone’s favorite prolific alt-country rocker turns around: Who Wants To Look At Ryan Adams’ Ass?

November 7, 2006

New streaming from Ryan Adams: “Hello Gracie”

Those who followed the link yesterday to the Ryan Adams site were treated with not another rap, but instead a lovely new song from Ryan called “Hello Gracie.” The guitar melody in this reminds me of another song that I’ve been listening to lately and I can’t put my finger on it. Any ideas?

Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe this tune is the first “serious” effort streaming on his site since “Lovely and Blue” (aka “France”) back in August (dozens of country song snippets with hilarious titles and ‘look who got a website’ notwithstanding):

Hello Gracie – Ryan Adams

(Thanks Kyle! Photo credit Mark Seliger)
*Noted that the song is about his dog Gracie, who Parker Posey got “custody” of after their split.

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October 31, 2006

Ryan Adams: Halloween

Can’t believe I almost let this day pass without posting the best song ever to have Halloween in the title.

This was released on the Love Is Hell, Volume 1 EP as a bonus track in the UK (and as a promo single). It was also the first Ryan Adams song I ever recall hearing (or actually listening to). I love the little tinny piano jangle in the background –it sounds like something out of a Rolling Stones song– and the wry lyrics can’t be beat. Enjoy!

Halloween – Ryan Adams

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September 28, 2006

Mixmasters please report to the dance floor

You love it? You hate it? Pitchfork says it is a blatant publicity stunt (but hey, they can’t spell “blatant” so I don’t know if I trust them), Rolling Stone calls Adams a freestyle rap prodigy, and Stereogum just wants Ryan to come back and leave some rambling comments on their site.

Check out the new rap that’s streaming on the recently redone Tron-tastic I absolutely enjoyed the laugh it gave me, and think it shows a brilliant sense of self-effacing humor. Come on people, lighten up!

Look Who Got A Website – MC Ryan McFresh (aka Ryan Adams)

Ryan recently wrote on a fan message board about his time in the studio & his recently achieved sobriety, and ends with this note:

“i also am stoked that at least one or two songs a record have some rap.
i am really bad at rap.
its awesome.”

Update 9/29: Rap II
Drunk Santa – Funky Ryan DeeLyte
(oh, and he rapped in Manchester last night. Live. At least he knows he’s bad at it!)

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September 13, 2006

Jesse Malin’s new album to feature Springsteen, Ryan Adams & a Replacements cover

From today’s news:

Boss and More Guest on Jesse Malin CD

Jesse Malin has just finished recording his third record titled Glitter In The Gutter, to be released in early 2007 on Adeline Records/East West. This album follows his two previous critically acclaimed releases: 2004′s The Heat, and 2002′s The Fine Art of Self Destruction. Glitter In The Gutter was recorded in various studios over the summer in Millbrook, New York; North Hollywood, CA; and in Jesse’s native borough of Queens, New York.

Guests on the album include a special vocal performance by Bruce Springsteen, Chris Shifflett of the Foo Fighters, Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age, long time pal Ryan Adams as well as members of Jesse’s own touring and recording band “The Heat.” Many of the songs on the new album were written on electric guitar in Jesse’s basement rehearsal studio in New York City over the past year.

After working up demos of the songs, Jesse chose to work with producers Rob Caggiano and Eddie Wohl of Scrap 60. The album will include an intimate acoustic version of The Replacements‘ classic ‘Bastards of Young.’ CD will hit stores in early 2007.”

I love that title, Glitter in the Gutter. Can’t wait to hear it. He’s got a handful of shows coming up, mostly East Coast. Tomorrow night (9/13) he headlines one final show at The Continental in NYC, on 9/19 at the Barnes & Noble (!!) in Union Square, 10/1 in Ringwood NJ, 10/12 at the Tin Angel in Philly, 10/14 at the Club Cafe in Pittsburgh, and 10/18 at Schuba’s in Chicago.

Here’s the original ‘Mats track that he covers on the new album, if you don’t have it:

Bastards of Young – The Replacements

And I wrote about some demos from the new album (the fabulous “Black Haired Girl” and “Don’t Let ‘Em Take You Down”) in this post.

August 16, 2006

Featuring Ryan Adams

Willie Nelson Teams With Ryan Adams For New CD
August 16, 2006, 10:25 AM ET (Billboard)

Seventy-three-year-old music icon Willie Nelson collaborates with 31-year-old singer/songwriter Ryan Adams on his new album, Songbird. Due Oct. 31 via Lost Highway, the 11-track set was produced by Adams, whose band the Cardinals back Nelson throughout. Veteran harmonica player Mickey Raphael also appears.

The track list features covers of Gram Parsons’ “$1000 Wedding,” Christine McVie’s “Songbird,” the Jerry Garcia/Robert Hunter favorite “Stella Blue” and Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah.”In addition, Nelson reworks his own “Rainy Day Blues” (which opens the album), “Sad Songs & Waltzes” and “We Don’t Run,” as well as tackling the traditional “Amazing Grace.”

Nelson is in the midst of a tour with John Fogerty and also has headlining dates on tap through a Sept. 15 appearance at the Austin City Limits festival. On Sept. 30 in Camden, N.J., he will join Neil Young, John Mellencamp and Dave Matthews and Jerry Lee Lewis for Farm Aid in Camden, N.J.

Here is the track list for “Songbird”:
“Rainy Day Blues”
“Blue Hotel”
“Back to Earth”
“Stella Blue”
“$1000 Wedding”
“We Don’t Run”
“Yours Love”
“Sad Songs & Waltzes”
“Amazing Grace”

That sounds really interesting to me. Ryan has been a busy boy, also reuniting with ex-flame Leona Naess to lay down some vocals on her new upcoming album Thirteens. According to her MySpace, “Old East Village comrade, Ryan Adams, crashed a Manhattan studio and contributed his distinctive vocals (and new lyrics) to the reprise of ‘Leave Your Boyfriend’ in one take. Cello and piano were added in Woodstock over a long weekend.” Interesting choice of songs to collaborate on; that’s another release that I am looking forward to hearing.

August 1, 2006

New Ryan Adams song: “France”

Just in time to get you excited about his Lollapalooza appearance, there is a new Ryan Adams song called “France” (now called “Lovely and Blue”) streaming on his website.

Others have said (and I will concur) that it sounds like something that The Clash or The Strokes might feel a certain affinity for. I do like Ryan’s rocker side (this sounds like it could have been on Rock N Roll), but I am not sure if I like this one yet. I am giving it a few more listens.

I would post the mp3 here, but at this point in time I think I am good with no jail time. Thanks. (Justin, however, is braver than I)

BONUS TUNES: Ryan debuted three new songs at the 7/22/06 Norfolk show, which is now online at the Live Music Archive (he allows live recordings). If you are interested:

Promises – Ryan Adams

Breakdown Into The Resolve – Ryan Adams

Everybody Knows – Ryan Adams

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Bio Pic Name: Heather Browne
Location: Colorado, originally by way of California
Giving context to the torrent since 2005.

"I love the relationship that anyone has with music: because there's something in us that is beyond the reach of words, something that eludes and defies our best attempts to spit it out. It's the best part of us, probably, the richest and strangest part..."
—Nick Hornby, Songbook
"Music has always been a matter of energy to me, a question of Fuel. Sentimental people call it Inspiration, but what they really mean is Fuel."
—Hunter S. Thompson

Mp3s are for sampling purposes, kinda like when they give you the cheese cube at Costco, knowing that you'll often go home with having bought the whole 7 lb. spiced Brie log. They are left up for a limited time. If you LIKE the music, go and support these artists, buy their schwag, go to their concerts, purchase their CDs/records and tell all your friends. Rock on.

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